At koi Chronicles we offer many koi services. Below are just some we have on offer.... If there is anything else then please get in touch! 

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Koi Pond Consultancy

As a technical power and data communication specialist background within construction, we understand what it takes to deliver a project on time, every time! With Koi Chronicles consultancy service you will receive expert advice from concept to completion. inc. initial design ideas, planning, executing, monitoring and managing. Additionally the finalising of the project, all in good timescales and designed to meet different budgets. We will identify all of the necessary requirements, concerns and expectations to keep  koi thriving successfully. Combining old filter house systems and set ups with new cutting edge technologies are a possibility with us. We are always considering new services that are available in today's market. Koi Chronicles is a firm believer of the 6P rule. (Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance) Don't delay and Contact Us today!  "The Devils In The Detail

Pond Visits

Would you like the opportunity of Koi Chronicles filming you and your koi pond set-up. With our high underwater tech action cameras, growing knowledge & editing experience, we can capture all your favorite pet fish. After success of our content material we can offer this service directly to you to undergo our Koi Chronicles flavour approach at your very own beloved pond. Receive regular edited versions to review and a final copy to keep for yourself in stunning full fat 4k quality. If you wish we could even feature it on our fast growing YouTube channel. Leave Message  

Koi Treatments

Is your prized possession not looking its best? Treating wounds on fish can be just as stressful for the owner as much as it is the fish. Take all the hassle away and appoint Koi Chronicles to attend site and aid with your Koi's back to health service. Whether its Ulcers, Wounds or Fin Rot we have the clinical procedure for you. Less hassle to your other Koi as we treat independently and are isolated from others. General pond medications may solve parasitic infestations, however the hands on approach is our preferred method and is now an option moving forwards for you. See Media Page Contact Us

Pond Vision

Here at Koi Chronicles we are passionate about two things - fish and technology. We aim to combine the two, bringing the commercial technology knowhow to the consumer market and provide an up to date viewing system for your pond. Monitor your koi with a high resolution camera system at the cutting edge of tomorrow’s technology. Have the flexibility to study your koi pond in the palm of your hand from a mobile device and observe your fish in their own environment anywhere in the world! See Video Page or Shop technology Section 

Pond Maintenance

Your Koi pond should be an asset to your garden and with the services Koi Chronicles provides you can enjoy a beautiful thriving Koi pond without even getting your hands wet! If you are experiencing problems with your pond, if it's in need of cleaning, repairing or even a filtration makeover maybe? Koi Chronicles will be delighted to help and It would be great to hear from you! Any written references from customers upon request and for your peace of mind we carry public liability Insurance, full details are available please Contact Us or E-Mail Us 

The Big Screen

Got a big screen tv? Would like to experience and enjoy your Koi pond in the comfort of your favorite arm chair? Then Koi Chronicles has the technical ability to help you seamlessly achieve this at the property and the results are just incredible! Please Contact Us or E-Mail Us for more information on the requirements. 

Filter House Services

As mentioned new cutting edge technologies is a possibility with us. With the ever demanding new features on all our #IoT consumer aqua products don't get caught out in your new filter house builds! We have the knowledge and knowhow to serve you in this digital age for todays & tomorrows tech! Don't forget to look around in the Shop Technology Section If there is anything at all that interests you? Then please Contact Us 

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